Mining Equipment Manufacturing in China

Home > Products > Mining Equipment Manufacturing in China

Product Code IBI03027
Publication Date October 2010
Publisher IBISWorld
Product Type Report
Pages 42


The IBISWorld Mining Equipment Manufacturing in China industry report consists of enterprises that manufacture equipment that is used for the mining of metals, coal, petroleum, manufacture specialized equipment that is used for the screening, classification, separation, washing, and rolling of minechemicals and building stone. These firms also products, or similar processes in both underground and open-pit mines.


Industry Definition
Activities (Products and Services)
Similar Industries
Other Related Industries
Key Statistics
Current Prices
Constant Prices
Real Growth
Ratio Table
Products and Service Segmentation
Major Market Segments
Industry Concentration
Geographic Spread
Market Characteristics
Market Size
Demand Determinants
Domestic and International Markets
Basis of Competition
Life Cycle
Industry Conditions
Barriers to Entry
Industry Assistance ;Regulation and Deregulation
Cost Structure
Capital and Labor Intensity
Technology and Systems
Industry Volatility
Key Factors
Key Sensitivities
Key Success Factors
Key Competitors
Major Players
Player Performance
Other Players
Industry Performance
Current Performance
Historical Performance
Major Companies
Northern Heavy Industries Group Co. Ltd.
China National Coal Mining Equipment Co. Ltd.
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co. Ltd.
China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp
Sany Heavy Equipment International Holdings Company Limited


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