Bridge Work Could Impact Mill

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Staff photo/Mike Burkholder: As part of the bridge replacement project, the mill could be torn down. Ohio Department of Transportation officials held a public meeting Wednesday to allow for public comment regarding the building’s future.

ST. MARYS — State officials Wednesday afternoon held a meeting to allow public input regarding the future of a St. Marys staple. Representatives from the Ohio Department of Transportation and the city of St. Marys gave brief remarks regarding the High Street bridge project. Under the proposed project, the city is considering the possible demolition of the grist mill.
“What we are calling the reservoir mill, which is the grain elevator owned by St. Marys Hardware, has been determined eligible for the National Register,” ODOT District 7 spokesperson Tricia Bishop said. “It was an early feature on the canal and it’s considered to have statewide significance.”
Bishop said part of the bridge replacement could impact the structure because of its deteriorated status. Since the mill has been classified as historic, Bishop said state officials wanted the public’s input as to what should or could be done to preserve the building.
“If you have concerns over the demolition of the mill, which again is just one of the things that could happen, we hope you talk about that,” Bishop said.


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