Mines Dig Deep for College

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Barrick North America and Newmont Mining Corp., two titans in the worldwide gold mine industry, have teamed up to ensure northeastern Nevada’s No. 1 industry will have the skilled workers it needs to sustain itself for many years to come.
And they aren’t alone, but more help is needed.
The partnership was formally recognized Wednesday at Great Basin College where Brant Hinze of Newmont and Be-Be Adams of Barrick presented the college with two $100,000 checks, money that will help fund the Electrical and Industrial Technology building at the college. And while Barrick and Newmont led the charge with the largest contributions, other businesses also contributed sizable donations to the effort.
Sierra Pacific Power, for example, will provide an in-kind contribution and will design, provide materials for and build a $300,000, 30-kilowatt photovoltaic system.

Read more: http://business.ezinemark.com/mines-dig-deep-for-college-16dacf1994e.html#ixzz152HIz74z

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