Southwest Aluminum Cold Rolling Mill hit a record high in October

(China Aluminum Network) In October, Southwest Aluminum Cold Rolling Mill once gain touched high to 15042 tons with a breakthrough of 15000 tons target. Its production rose by 1236 tons compared with the same period of last year, and growth trend reached 8.95%, which hit a record high since its construction. The production and operation of Southwest Aluminum Cold Rolling Mill has shown a sound momentum of vigorous development.


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Rolling Mill Is Popular Manufacturing Process

A rolling mill is a very simply process that is not only very effective in manufacturing, but it is extremely popular. It is also commonly referred to as a reduction mill or sometimes just a mill. Regardless of its title, there is an almost endless amount of items that can be created using this process.
The concept behind it is so simple: you run a material between a set of rollers, usually two and sometimes more, until you form what you want as a finished product. Of course, there are different variables that come into play, but the main focus is to manipulate the material to a desired thickness and diameter.
In order to have an efficient rolling mill there are essential elements that have to be present and in continuous operation. The key is to maintain a constant pressure when inserting the material and to have an even pressure on the rollers.
By varying the speed that the material enters you can also change its shape. Using cooled or heated materials also affects the end result. Whether you are using a hot or cold application the main concern is recrystallization. This occurs when the grains of a metal break down and reform to change the consistency, or grade, of the metal. One application uses this process to its advantage while another works to ensure it does not occur since it causes weakening.
If the exiting material is of considerable length or weight, there is a need for backup rollers to relieve the stress caused by gravity against the material when it is not being supported. This safety feature eliminates the possibility of compromising the product and affecting its durability.


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Machinery manufacturer to target mining industry

Manufacturer of concrete block, brick and paving machinery Pan Mixers South Africa (PMSA) will be releasing its latest Fiori DB 560 T concrete 4 × 4 transport delivery system to the South African mining industry in March 2011.

This 5,5-m3 concrete mixer has a 2,9-m low headroom, with a four-wheel-drive system, and three steering mechanisms comprising four-wheel crab steering, front-wheel steering and four-wheel pinch steering.

The production of the concrete mixers started in Europe, and the first two vehicles will be released onto the European market in January 2011, followed by importation to the South African market in March 2011.


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FLSmidth to deliver equipment for iron ore plant in Mauritania

FLSmidth has been awarded a contract worth approximately USD 40m (DKK 214m) from Mauritanian La Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM) for the supply of a wet concentrator package and a train load out package for their Guelb el Aouj iron ore plant, located near Zouerate in Mauritania.

The wet concentrator package includes a ball mill, slurry pumps, thickeners for tailings and dust, horizontal belt filters for concentrate and tailings as well as conveyors and wet magnetic separators. The package will also include basic and detailed engineering and procurement of all equipment, instruments and auxiliaries necessary for the operation of the facility.


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Changing Times and Mining Shovels

I have been discussing the technologies for oil well drilling and coal mining for quite some time, and am thinking that with that review available and just about complete, it might be time to switch the focus of these Sunday information topics. While I could give a more detailed discussion of the different topics that I have covered in the past, I suspect that this would be of decreasing interest to most and so I thought to change the subject matter. What I am planning on doing is to shift focus, and start to write about the different countries that have oil reserves (or had) and what we know about them.

The idea, in much the same way as with the technical talks, will be to provide an informative set of background notes, so that, for example, if the topic of the Yamal gas fields comes up, you would know a little about where they are (a peninsula in Russia), and how much gas (maybe 30 trillion cubic meters) is there, as well as how soon they will be developed (not this year).

That is the plan for the future, but before moving there, I would like to revisit coal mining to wrap up the discussion with a small number of posts about surface mining. The first use of coal came from finding outcrops where the coal could easily be picked out of the seam, or where, in the North of England, the sea would do the mining and wash the coal up on the beach, where it could be collected.


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